WILL DROP SHIP DIRECT TO YOU. PLEASE CALL 860-341-8707 TO GET A SHIPPING QUOTE OR TO PLACE AN ORDER.Pest and insect control netting for fruits and vegetables. Also protects crops against weather damage.
No thermal effect (unlike crop cover). 25 gram 0.35mm x 0.35mm white synthetic fiber.
89% light transmission. Very pliable, great for row crops. Life expectancy: 1-3 years. Protects against: Aphids, Armyworm, Brown Stink Bug, Cabbage Root Fly, Carrot Rust Fly, Chrysomelid, Corn Borer, Mite (Not 100%), Flea Beatles, Leafhopper, Leek Moth, Nymph, Onion Maggot, Sawfly, Seedcorn, Spotted Wing Drosophila, Squash Bug, Swede Midge (Not 100%), Tarnished Plant Bug, Thrips (Not 100%).
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